
How to Become a Resin Artist in Australia – Beginner Guide


Have you been dreaming of becoming a resin artist in Australia? If so, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to make that dream a reality. Resin art is an exciting creative outlet for expressing your imagination, developing your technique and creating one-of-a-kind pieces of artwork. It involves combining pigments, dyes and other materials with epoxy resins to form beautiful works of art. In this beginner guide, we will go through what it takes to become a successful resin artist in Australia, from getting started to honing your craft and finding success in the industry.

What is resin art?

Resin art is a type of art that uses resin as a medium. It can be used to create jewelry, sculptures, ornaments, and other decorative items. Resin is a hard, transparent material that is made from plant resins or synthetic resins. It is often used in making varnishes, adhesives, and sealants. Resin art is created by mixing resin with an artist’s choice of pigments, glitter, and other fillers. Once the mixture is complete, it is poured into a mold or onto a surface to create the desired shape. Resin art can be customized to suit the artist’s individual style and preferences.

What supplies do I need to get started with resin art?

In order to get started with resin art, you will need a few supplies. First, you will need a resin kit. This can be purchased at most craft stores or online. Next, you will need some sort of mold or silicone mold to pour your resin into. You can use anything from a simple plastic container to a more intricate mold. Finally, you will need some sort of stirring tool and gloves to protect your hands from the resin. Once you have all of these supplies, you are ready to start creating beautiful resin art!

How do I create a basic resin art piece?

To create a basic resin art piece, you will need the following supplies:

-Measuring cups
-Stirring stick
– gloves
-Protective eyewear
-Ventilated area
-Disposable cup for mixing
-Baseboard or silicone mat
-Objects to embed (optional)
-Pigment or dye (optional)

1. Start by measuring out your resin and hardener into separate cups. You will need to use a 1:1 ratio of resin to hardener for this project.
2. Once you have measured the correct amount of each, pour them both into your disposable cup and stir slowly but thoroughly until they are completely mixed together. Be sure to wear gloves and protective eyewear while doing this!
3. If you want to add pigment or dye to your resin mixture, do so now and stir until evenly combined.
4. Now it’s time to pour your mixture onto your baseboard or silicone mat. If you’re adding objects to embed into your piece, do so now before the resin starts to set.
5. Allow your piece to cure in a ventilated area for 24 hours before handling or displaying.

What are some advanced techniques for resin art?

There are many advanced techniques that can be used when creating resin art. Some of these include:

1. Using multiple colours of resin to create interesting effects.

2. Adding inclusions such as glitter, beads or shells to add dimension and texture to your artwork.

3. Incorporating other materials into your resin piece such as wood, metal or fabric.

4. Experimenting with different moulds and forms to create unique shapes and sizes.

5. Playing around with different finishing touches such as painting, varnishing or even gilding your artwork.

Where can I find other resin artists in Australia?

There are a few different ways that you can find other resin artists in Australia or resin Australia. One way is to look online. There are a few websites that have lists of Australian resin artists, and you can usually find contact information for them on these websites. Another way to find other resin artists is to go to art fairs and craft shows. Many times, there will be at least one or two resin artists selling their work at these events. Finally, you can always ask around at your local art supply store or hobby shop. Chances are, they know of at least a few other resin artists in your area.

the authorIdaMccullough