
What Should You Be Checking in Your 4×4?


Off-road vehicles are just like any other kind of vehicle in that they need to be maintained regularly in order to have a long lifespan. Because the components of your vehicle wear down more quickly when exposed to elements such as mud, water, dust, and filth, you should make it a habit to perform routine maintenance inspections before and after each off-road journey. The most important thing you can do to avoid malfunctions out on the trail is to perform preventative maintenance as well as route assessments.

When you are out on the track, you should be especially vigilant for any sounds, odours, or fluid spills that are out of the ordinary. After doing difficult tasks in your car, such as crossing deep water, climbing rocks, engaging in intense off-roading, etc., you should always inspect it by keeping your  tyre repair kit ready.

Before and after each off-road excursion, we advise having your vehicle’s fluids checked, including the motor oil, differential fluids, lubrication system, power steering, radiator, and brake fluid, as well as doing an overall suspension check.

If your fluids do not exhibit signs of contamination or excessive heat breakdown, you should follow the service intervals recommended in the owner’s handbook that came with your vehicle. This is unless the fluids show signs of contamination. Oil that has become stale can be harmful to the joints and other components of your car because it does not provide adequate lubrication.The following is a selectionof the many inspections and services that are important. Once more, these are the pre- and post- trail inspections that are advised before you go out on the trail.

Check for Leaks- Leaks of fluid are going to be one of the very first things that we look for. While all leaks are potentially dangerous, some are more dangerous than others. On an older off-road tractor, for instance, a little oil leak is less dangerous than a loss of coolant or transmission fluid. You need to be aware of any fluid leakages, but we realise that some of you might not mind a little bit of oil dripping down.

Engine oil- The engine is the most important part of your car, also known as the organ that pumps blood throughout the body. You should pay careful attention to the engine oil in your vehicle since it is simple to inspect and because maintaining its quality may save you a significant amount of cash and future hassles.

Brakes- Because it enables you to come to a stop in a controlled manner and because it is critical for 4×4 driving, the braking system in your automobile is among the most essential components. Your life may rely on it. Your brake lines’ susceptibility to corrosion and cracking is increased with advancing age, prolonged exposure to heat and sunlight, and environmental factors such as the presence of road toxins. Once you notice cracks in the brake lines, you have to consider replacing them with brake lines made of stainless steel.

the authorIdaMccullough