Vehicle tyres are subjected to a lot of wear and tear so you have to be vigilant when checking their condition. If there is a failure when you are driving, there can be a lot of damage done. So you need to understand how to spot these issues early on and replace the tyre so that the occupants of the vehicle and people on the road are kept safe.
There are so many tyre designs that are available and they all come with their own specific maintenance as well as general upkeep. For example, if you have white wall tyres it can be difficult to keep them white all the time so you will need to clean them regularly. There are products that are made specifically to clean these tyres and keep the white colour for a longer time.

But in addition to aesthetical concerns, there are other physical deformations that you have to look out for. For example, if your tread depth is not sufficient, you will need to get a new set of tyres. There is a gauge that you can use to measure tread depth that mechanics use. You can also insert a penny into the tread and check if the head of Lincoln is visible entirely. If this is the case, then you don’t have enough tread to be safe on the road.
The sidewall of the tyre can show damage as well. Make sure to look for cracks or any cuts on the sidewall. This signals that the tyre is close to developing a leak or close to blowing out. If these cracks look very deep and serious, you will need to have a mechanic take a look at it to see whether it is time to replace them. You always have to err on the side of caution. Newer tyres come with a tread wear indicator bar which is a feature that you don’t see in older tyres.
These bars will not be very visible when you purchase them brand new but they will start to appear once the tread wears down. These will be seen as a bar perpendicular to the tread. If you notice more than two bars on the tread, then it is a sign that you need to get the tyre replaced. The outer surface of the tyre can become weak and start bulging outwards from the tyre surface. This can look like a blister. When you see this happen, you have to immediately visit a repair shop as it increases the risk of blowing out the tyre.

If you notice that there is unusual vibration when you are driving, then the culprit may be the tyres. This can happen if the tyres are not aligned properly or if they are unbalanced. It can also happen if your shock absorbers have reached the end of their life. Sometimes, this vibration can be the effect of an issue in the internal parts of the tyre. However, not all vibration issues lead to tyre issues but it definitely signals a problem with the vehicle.
In rare cases, this is normal as you will be driving on a bad road. But if it happens when you are driving on a smooth road, then you will need to have it checked out by a mechanic.